Sunday, 19 August 2018

Capilano Suspension Bridge


We went to Capilano Suspension Bridge and walked across it.  It shook a lot when we walked, so it was easy to lose my balance, but I am good on my feet, so I didn’t stumble at all. There were so many people. It was hard to really enjoy this experience.  However, the views were stunning, because we not only got to see into the forest but walk at the top of it too. It was neat being in the treetops without having to climb a tree. There were also some really neat waterfalls which I loved seeing. If there hadn’t been so many people, I think it would have been a very lovely and peaceful place to visit.  We also got to see the First Nations totems and have our picture taken with them. They are cool. They tell the story of a family. Even though, I couldn’t understand the pictures and the story, they looked very different and interesting.

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